عبد النور إدريس بلغة شكسبير
Shehrayar’s Dream
-Short Story-
Written by Abdennour Driss
Translated by Mohamed Said Raihani
"Another dream targeting the dark
Dream is that whiteness blackening the night,
That thirsty desire
Trying to wake up in me,
That heavenly testimony
Which the river praises
I am the dream of a fish
Predicting inundation"…
Abdennour Driss
Scholar & Short-Story Writer
Author of:
"Women’s Writings"
-A Study-
"Woman’s Novel & Reality"
-A Study-
"Taboo Myth & Religious Discourse"
-A Study-
Getting ready for printing:
"Feminizing Virility"
-Short Stories-
The inner gap is as deep as labyrinth whereas the outer clothes tell about the imprisoned body.
He used to plant his masculine name in his wives’ wombs but was good only at giving birth to females. All the new bellies would bear him that expectation in ending that crop.
The flag of victory , however, cannot be raised by catastrophe-loving feet obsessed with the nine scenes which had danced both in the emptiness of the belly and in the belly of the emptiness.
These are the ends that he feels running deeply in his dry veins coming from no-one knows, bearing shameful masks!
“Cursed is he who gives birth to females!”
“Damnation” is his word to justify his impotence while cosmetics are women’s trick to come to his pockets and organ, giving birth to a non-stop set of females. His poor status has not killed him. Rather, it might drive him mad or perhaps paralyze him or even redirect his thinking towards suicide.
Tackling this topic in his daily life will revive the old painful moments that has never stopped proliferating in his endless questions…
“Cursed is he who gives birth to females!”
That was what his echo whenever his salt-filled worries and injuries flow out in his long journey to salvation through sorcery and magic weeds…
His childhood was a wretched past stamped exclusively for him. He was the only boy to love dolls. He used to find in this hobby real happiness and true pleasure. Dolls would stick to his hand and never fall. Memories lay new bridges towards the past proving that life has not changed. Memories are still standing against any possible change. Gloom and mud are the distinctive poetic feature still present in children’s hymn playing carelessly with the angles and sides in the quarter…
He drowns himself in his night pleasures and never gets before experiencing the butterfly joy… He has such a crazy story with females starting with his early admiration to dolls and ending with adoration to them.
He was sober but the moaning of the glasses made him drunk again. His looks seemed unsteady, wandering, fluffy, playing with the winds of his song, drifting away towards the sterility of the whisper , towards the heart of the scream , towards the menopause that has eaten his wife’s womb. There is nothing that can be done. That is the law of feminity…
Never in his life has he faked a “foreign” greeting until that day when he met her. His memory is very creative. It is the most spacious place to sleep in, à la scarecrow.
“Cursed is he who gives birth to females!”
This is the female’s labyrinth: a singular caravan made especially for loss and parting. There is no male to inaugurate her salvation from this never-ending painful memory. This is a typical caravan for loss and parting. This is the female’s labyrinth . There is no male to inaugurate her deliverance from this this never-ending painful memory.
He was lost in the arches of feminine lips juicing his dreams. Now, his ambitions are redirecting him to his private doctor’s cabinet. He is in such a hurry to have male dolls and perpetuate the torn-out moments he will forever have with women tired of vain memories.
* The writer, Abdennour Driss, is a Moroccan scolar & shortstory writer , born in
* The translator, Mohamed Said Raihani, is a Moroccan translator, scholar & shortstory writer , born on December 23rd
* "Shehrayar’s Dream" is the third narrative text in the "The Moroccan Dream", Anthology of Moroccan new short story directed by Mohamed Said Raihani.
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